O.T Bandits

OT Bandits - CS:GO Team Lets drop Jurgen, guys drop Jurgen, guys I want jurgen to have the best gun <333 - Rem

No VAC bans on record.

No GAME bans on record.

FaceIT level: 10

FaceIT elo: 3311


Kills: 20
Deaths: 16
Assists: : 3
KD: 1.25
ADR: 81.77


Headshots: 3 (15%)
Damage: 2126
Last alive: 2
Clutches won: 0


2x kills: 3
3x kills: 2
4x kills: 0
Aces: 0
Goto game #:

general General

Shots fired: 340
Shots hit: 80
Wallbangs: 0
Teamkills: 0
First blood: 6
Noscopes: 0

utility Utility

Grenade kills: 0
Molotov kills: 0
Flashbang assists: 0
Flashbang assists(team): 0
Decoy kills: 0
Kills through smoke: 0
Kills whilst flashed: 0

other Other

MVPs received: 3
Bombs planted: 1
Bombs defused: 2
Suicides: 0
Knife kills: 0
Taser kills: 0

favorite weapons Favorite weapons

other Kills/deaths & ADR per game

other Hitboxes